How it works

1. Become a member. Borrowing is completely free! Sign up on our website. You'll need to enter credit card details for security

Sign up here

You can reserve items straight away.

Before you actually borrow your item, you will need to enter your credit/debit card details on our system. This is simply a security for Brighton Borrowers, so that we can lend things safely without taking a deposit. For more information, see our FAQs.

You can add your card information yourself in your account settings - see details in our FAQs. Or we can do it for you when you come to collect your item.

2. Reserve an item. Book items on our website or speak to us in person

Pick the dates you would like to collect and return your item.

Please reserve items to be collected on a Sunday from our stall at Brighton Open Market, 11am to 1pm, by midday the Saturday before; and for items to be collected on a Tuesday at Brightstore in Hollingdean Community Centre, 4pm-5pm, please reserve items by midday on the previous Sunday. We only bring those items that people have reserved to these sessions, so if you haven’t reserved an item it will not be available.

For collections from The Wood Store, items do not need to be reserved in advance, although it is recommended.

If you have mobility issues which prevent you from making any of our opening times, please contact us and we will see if we are able to deliver. We are a volunteer-run organisation, so deliveries will depend on volunteer availability.

There is no automatic cap on how long you can reserve items for, however reservations of popular items for a long time may be rejected. Items can be renewed via the website: see our FAQs for more info.

3. Borrow your item. Collect your item from our weekly stall. If you need to arrange collection on a different day, contact us by email to discuss

Collect your item from one of our locations. See the home page for our opening hours

Where possible, we will provide you with the user manual for your item. This will also be available on the item page in the catalogue.

If you are borrowing a power tool, you will be asked to sign an additional confirmation to show that you have been provided with the user manual and have read and understood it.

If you notice any problems with the item you have borrowed, please stop using it and let us know so that we can fix it for the next borrower.

4. Return your item. Return the item on time so your neighbours can use it after you

Return your item to us at any of our locations.

Please make sure your item is in the same condition it was in when you borrowed it. This might mean cleaning it before returning it, so that it’s ready for the next borrower!

If you will not be able to return it on the day you said, and it has not been reserved by somebody else, you can renew it - see our FAQs for how to do this. You can also contact us to arrange an alternative delivery.